As 2S Company, our social compliance policy includes the standards we have created by working in a team spirit, based on our basic principles and values, together with all our business stakeholders and business partners.

Our goal is to make the Social Compliance Policy become a corporate culture within 2S Tekstil.

Therefore, social compliance standards have been established and started to be implemented. In addition to producing products and services with these social compliance standards, this policy undertakes to give all the rights of the employees arising from the standards within the framework of the laws, to comply with the rules of occupational health and safety, to be sensitive to the environment, to create a workplace where employees see an open and honest communication, respect and value.

The social compliance policy is announced to all our employees through trainings, our suppliers are informed and our suppliers are evaluated according to these criteria.

Child Labor:

For healthy development of children and respect for right of education, not to have employees under the age of 16 and act accordingly with the procedures and principles of youth employment,


To ensure the continuation of the company ethics at the time employment when choosing employees, as far as the accumulatin of technical and job related knowledge, adaptation to company rules and company’s social conformity conditions will be accepted as a necessary and important criteria, all policies are applicable from the time of the beginning of employment to prevent discrimination, harassment and abuse,
To Raise Awareness of the Employees: To increase the awareness of the employees by informing them about employee personal rights, company rules and working conditions at given periods at the time of employment and during working with the belief of social conformity through informed employees,

Working Hours:
To conform with existing laws and legislations about working hours and extra working times due to the respect of productive working and human rights,

Wages and Payments:

Based on the minimum wage to meet the living needs of the employees, no wages should be under the set minimum wage and all extra working hours should be paid in line with the related law,
Conforming with Laws and Other


By abiding with all existing laws and legislations, our customers should follow business partnership rules along with rules of international social responsibility formations


With the ground on all employees having equal rights, it is out of discussion to discriminate for employment, paying compensation, education and promotion or end employment or make retire because of race, social class, religion, nationality, gender or political affinity,


To keep the connection between the employees and the administrators alive with the belief of success through healthy communication, to ensure good relations between employees and administrators and carry out practices to ensure the continuation of these relations,

Prevention of Harassment and Abuse:

To ensure that oral, physical and psychological harassment and force doesn’t happen for the peace of the working environment and that employees work happily,

Forced and Compulsory Employment:

No forced labor under contract or working to repay a debt shall happen and working should be on a voluntary basis,

Supplier Management:

With the belief that all suppliers have equal responsibility, to evaluate social conformity activities of suppliers, to follow results with action plans, to control social conformity activities with management systems,

Work Health and Safety:

To accept that a human is the most valuable asset in all operations by providing a more safer and healthier working environment and aiming to minimize all losses,
To organise trainings to make aware all the employees about their personal responsibilities of the subject, to acquire all necessary equipment about Work Health and Safety, to conform with local laws, legislation and conditions about Work Health and Safety taking into consideration the standards and rules of 2S Tekstil, to make a communication environment where all employees work according to Work Health and Safety policies and informing about the works regarding this issue, to identify and control dangers and related risks at an accepted level about work health and safety as a result of our activities,

The level of education of the employees determines the general level of the company. Increasing consciousness of work health and safety of the employees, arranging internal and external trainings to support professional and personal development and with trainings ensuring the development of the employees thus constantly improving the development of the company is undertaken.